The Fee-for-Service Option
*Please Note: Interactive Planning Sessions are currently booking 1 to 2 months out.
Basic Overview
We help you see your future about as clearly as humanly possible. And we do this interactively so that you can explore your options using state of the art financial planning software (we use Conquest) while being guided by two highly credentialed advisors.
Want to know what it would look like if you retired one year earlier than you're planning? No problem. How about what it would look like if you downsized and kissed your mortgage goodbye? Easy. Want to know if you can just flick the switch and semi-retire next month? Awesome idea. Let's find out.
With our insights and the latest technology, we can see the implications of pretty much anything you're thinking. On the spot.
Of course, some situations are more complex than others and require a bit more elbow-grease, but with a bit of back-and-forth, you should be well on your way to knowing the following:
how much income you'll have in retirement through all phases (go-go, slow-go, and no-go)
when it's ideal for you to start your CPP and OAS benefits
when and how much to withdraw from your different types of accounts
how to keep your tax bite as painless as possible
how much you'll be passing on to your loved ones
We'll also stress-test your plan and see how well it holds up against:
higher inflation
a market crash at the worst possible time (right after you retire)
lower long-term investment returns than anticipated
living longer (or less longer) than expected
The above lists are not exhaustive. There are many things we can try. But the bottom line is this: we will map out your scenario, try a number of ideas and work out a game-plan for you that you can understand and implement.
Choose your plan
A custom, financial game-plan for one person.
A custom, financial game-plan for couples.
For those who are incorporated and/or have more than one rental property. Prices range from $5,000 to $10,000 based on complexity.
How the Process Works
Once you purchase a plan you will be given secure, online access to begin entering your data, uploading your relevant documents and letting us know your goals and preferences.
The next step is an interactive planning session. In this session we will go through each area of your situation, confirm the details, explore your options, and try out different scenarios until we find the right path forward for you. In addition to all this, we will stress-test your plan to make sure it can hold up under pressure. This is usually a very enjoyable meeting because you'll be seeing your situation live and in color.
After our meeting, we'll take your game-plan, fine-tune it and audit it all for accuracy.
Once finished, we will send you the final reports, a simplified action plan (to help you put it all into play) and a walkthrough video (so that you can easily understand it all). And then we're essentially done.
All plans come with two months of post-delivery support so if any questions or concerns pop-up or if you need clarification on something, we're happy to help.
If you’d like to touch-up or revise your plan in the future, you can do so at 50% of the current price. This discount is valid for 18 months after the previous engagement.
Click for a sample of the report.
This sample only includes a portion of the reports that are actually available if/when needed.
Click for a sample of the agreement.
This is subject to change as we are continually refining our process.